In stock
View Purchasing OptionsDespite a number of uncontrollable factors causing some delays, I would like to inform my valued backers that all pieces of the PowerEver and the breakout connectors have reached Crowd Supply's office for processing! They will soon be sent to their warehouse for final distribution to backers. Read the full update.
Thank you again to my valued backers! I am excited to let you know that we now have all the parts in stock. This means that no production delay is expected and the PowerEver and breakout terminals will be shipped to the Crowd Supply warehouse by the end of September. As a thank you to my backers, I decided to include with every PowerEver a clear frosted heat-shrink sleeve as a gift (of course you can remove it later if you wish). Read the full update.
To join the AMA, please visit the PowerEver AMA Channel this Wednesday at 11AM PDT time (1 AM on BKK local time!). Also, we have started assembling and testing our backers' orders to make sure that all the orders will be delivered to you on time or even faster. Just 12 days to go for the campaign! If the campaign reaches $2000, I promise to design an enclosure file for 3D printing. Read the full update.
In the last update we touched on the basic principles of the PowerEver. In this second part we will go into deeper detail. Bonus: How does it sound to use PowerEver with the wireless unit on my pedalboard? Read the full update.
This week we would like to show you a few more applications for PowerEver, then look into the working principle behind this tiny device. Understanding this will help make sure you are on the right track when hacking the PowerEver. Read the full update.
In addition to an improvement on the hardware side, this week we will show you some real-life applications of the PowerEver. Read the full update.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the PowerEver board! Visit the campaign page to get yours now. Included in this launch announcement are pictures of the manufacturing and testing process, and some finished PowerEver boards. Read the full update.