oshpark.com · oshpark · oshpark · oshpark
·OSH Park is a community printed circuit board order. It batches together designs from many people, combines them into a panel, and distributes the cost.
We bring you high quality, lead free boards (ENIG finish), manufactured in the USA, and shipped for free to anywhere in the world.
This service grew out of the DorkbotPDX PCB Order run by @laen and now comprises of a two-layer panel every other day, a four-layer panel every three weeks and a periodic two-layer medium run service for people needing more than 150 square inches of board.
Professional-grade analog front-end amplification for ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG biosensing on one tiny board
An open-hardware Python microcontroller for LEGO®
The first open source iCE40 FPGA development board designed for teachers and students
The open source DIY laptop for hacking, customization, and privacy
A range of tiny, low-cost, well-supported, and open FPGA dev boards
An ARM board that fits inside your USB connector
All you need to start playing with E-paper screens!
Exquisite printed circuit boards that bring to life Forrest Mims' vintage designs from "Getting Started in Electronics."
Wireless debug probe for ARM Cortex-M microprocessors
An educational kit for using the ATtiny85 microcontroller to measure and display sensor data
The ultimate modular, no-solder, RGB LED panel system
The World's First Open Source RISC-V-based 32-bit μC