Steno Hero

An open-source software game for practicing stenography. Learn to type 200+ words per minute.

Oct 18, 2016

Shipping & Development Progress

The physical rewards are in and will begin shipping this week! Read the full update.

May 12, 2016

Steno Hero is Funded! Thank You!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! We've met our goal! Read the full update.

May 10, 2016

Over 90% Funded! Stretch Goals in Sight!

Since launching last month, Steno Arcade has been downloaded over 19,000 times on Steam, and we've managed to raise almost $7,000! Read the full update.

May 09, 2016

80% Funded! New Songs Released!

There's a new release of Steno Arcade on Steam featuring two new slow songs, with hopefully two more to come before the end of the campaign. Read the full update.

Apr 05, 2016

A Great Start

Not even a week after launch, we've already hit 50% of our baseline goal! Read the full update.

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