Jul 14, 2024

Update 242 of 244

E-paper watch, LED strip video monitor, and more -- the latest and greatest from Crowd Supply

"It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door." — BIlbo Baggins

Coming Soon: Multi Mile Wireless

Multi Mile Wireless enables long-range, low-power communication using Wi-Fi HaLow and LoRa.

Learn More About Multi Mile Wireless

Coming Soon: YULC

YULC is an advanced USB Type-C powered LED controller.

Learn More About YULC

Coming Soon: Von VisionAI

Von VisionAI is an open tablet with accelerated machine vision capabilities and a 48 MP camera.

Learn More About Von VisionAI

OBJEX Link S3LW is an ESP32-based, low-power IoT platform.

Learn More About OBJEX Link S3LW

In Stock: Pixblasters Video LED Controller

Pixblasters Video LED Controller combines LED strips to create a huge video monitor.

Order Your Pixblasters Video LED Controller

In Stock: LimeSDR Mini 2.0

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 top and bottom side-by-side

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 is an open, full-duplex SDR platform with lots of available logic gates.

Order Your LimeSDR Mini 2.0

In Stock: Watchy

Watchy is a fully open source E-Ink, ESP32 (wireless) watch that plays nice with Arduino, MicroPython, ESP-IDF, and Zephyr-RTOS.

Order Your Watchy

Update Roundup

Lite3DP Gen 2 is getting ready to ship.

True Wireless Valve has a video demo with Home Assistant.

Discovery Dish shares manufacturing progress.

Tangara is wrapping up pre-production.

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