Mar 04, 2024

Update 232 of 243

Qorvo SDR giveaway, LimeNET Micro 2.0, and more - the latest and greatest from Crowd Supply

"First thing’s first, but not necessarily in that order." — Doctor Who

Coming Soon: Esparagus Media Center

Esparagus Media Center is an ESP32-based streaming audio player.

Learn More About Esparagus Media Center

Coming Soon: LimeNET Micro 2.0

LimeNET Micro 2.0 is a radio frontend carrier board for LimeSDR XTRX and the Raspberry Pi CM4.

Learn More About LimeNET Micro 2.0

Coming Soon: ANAVI Handle

ANAVI Handle lets you use Wii Nunchuk-compatible controllers as USB HID peripherals.

Learn More About ANAVI Handle

Giveaways: SDRs from Qorvo

This month, Qorvo RF Accelerator is giving away one uSDR and three CaribouLites!

Enter for a Chance to Win a Free SDR

March Happenings: San Francisco & Portland

Join us March 6 in San Francisco for Open Hardware Happy Hour and March 19 in Portland.

See Events List

In Stock: LimeSDR Mini 2.0

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 top and bottom side-by-side

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 is an open, full-duplex SDR platform with lots of available logic gates.

Learn More About LimeSDR Mini 2.0

In Stock: ProxmarkPro

ProxmarkPro lets you conduct RFID & NFC pen testing untethered and in the field.

Order Your ProxmarkPro

In Stock: GGtag

GGtag is a sound-programmable e-paper badge with 125 kHz RFID emulation.

Order Your GGtag

Update Roundup

NRFICE shares design files.

Tangara supports Lua and has a desktop companion.

The overview screen of Tangara Companion

Esp32-C6-Bug bridges Zigbee to MQTT.

SlimeVR Full-Body Tracker continues to ship.

Calling All Creators

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Calling All Backers

How are you using Crowd Supply gear? Send us a field report for a bit of fame and fortune.

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Calling Everyone

We’re having a party. You should come.

Join Us June 21-23, 2024 for Teardown

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