Oct 07, 2023

Update 220 of 243

The Latest and Greatest from Crowd Supply

"Anybody want a peanut?" — Fezzik

Coming Soon: Discovery Dish

Discovery Dish is a simplified system for weather satellite reception and hydrogen line radio astronomy, and part of the Qorvo RF Accelerator.

Learn More About Discovery Dish

Coming Soon: EX-Motorshield8874

EX-Motorshield8874 is an open motor driver board originally designed for use in model railroad trains.

Learn More About EX-Motorshield8874

Coming Soon: ESP32-C6-Bug

ESP32-C6-Bug is a RISC-V dev board with Zigbee, Thread, Wi-Fi 6, BLE, and battery support.

Learn More About ESP32-C6-Bug

In Stock: Bee Motion S3

Bee Motion S3 is a compact, open source ESP32-S3 PIR motion sensing board.

Order Your Bee Motion S3

In Stock: DeepDeck

DeepDeck is an open, programmable, ESP32-based macropad with hot-swappable mechanical switches, rotary encoders, an OLED screen, and RGB lighting.

Order Your DeepDeck

In Stock: USB-Cereal

A USB Type-C multitool, USB-Cereal enables quick development, debugging, testing, and data-capture.

Order Your USB-Cereal

Update Roundup

ZimaBlade shows off production pics and reviews.

AI in a Box live captions conferences.

Qorvo dishes out the goods and tracks the ISS.

Ollie v2 connects to CAN.

Nordic goes on tour, has $20,000 in prizes.

Glasgow is shipping.

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