Aug 15, 2023

Update 216 of 243

The Latest and Greatest from Crowd Supply

"Getting mythology wrong is my Hercules ankle." — Olaf Falafel

Coming Soon: Inkplate 4 TEMPERA

Inkplate 4 TEMPERA is an open, Arduino-compatible 3.8" e-paper device with gesture and proximity sensors.

Learn More About Inkplate 4 TEMPERA

Coming Soon: Ollie v2

Ollie v2 is an all-in-one USB to isolated-UARTx2/CAN/USB/RS485/RS232 converter.

Learn More About Ollie v2

Coming Soon: Open Smart Kit

Open Smart Kit is a set of open automation modules that are compatible with Home Assistant.

Learn More About Open Smart Kit

Coming Soon: Onju Voice

Onju Voice is a hackable AI assistant platform using the Google Nest Mini shell.

Learn More About Onju Voice

In Stock: Mosfet Girl

Mosfet Girl shirts feature a reimagining of the classic "Transistor Man" diagram in Horowitz and Hill’s "The Art of Electronics."

Order Your Mosfet Girl Tee

In Stock: PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit

The PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit is a Linux-capable 64-bit RISC-V/FPGA board that gives you access to PCIe, gigabit Ethernet, USB, mikroBUS, and more.

Order Your PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit

In Stock: Fomu

Fomu is an iCE40 FPGA board that fits inside your USB port, runs Python on top of a RISC-V softcore, and has a fully open toolchain.

Order Your Fomu

In Stock: MorphESP 240

MorphESP 240 puts the ESP32-S2 Wi-Fi chipset to full use (bells + whistles).

Order Your MorphESP 240

Update Roundup

Milk-V Pioneer upgrades to PCIe Gen 4.

uSDR does ML-driven RF signal detection.

ANAVI Macro Pad 12 & Arrows uses XIAO RP2040 modules.

Diabolic Drive supports USB Type-C.

RTK Rover tests a route.

Glasgow Interface Explorer prepares to ship.

Hackboard 2 units ship soon.

Gliss has a user manual.

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