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"No matter where you go, there you are." — Penn State Student
uSDR is a single-sided M.2 software-defined radio that can be operated via web browser and will be demonstrated at Teardown 2023.
You’re invited to join us June 23-25 (this Friday-Sunday!) in Portland, Oregon to learn about running a PnP and other poor life choices with Joe FitzPatrick, exotic PCB manufacturing and Precursor hacking with bunnie, everything you need to know about GNSS with Christina Cyr, teaching a robot to sail with Pierce Nichols, accessible open silicon fabrication with Mohamed Kassem, and many more amazing talks, workshops, demos, and installations.
Learn More About Teardown 2023
RTK Rover devices provide centimeter-accurate positioning to any project.
Tokay Lite units are well-rounded ESP32-powered, open source, no-code edge AI cameras.
Tigard is an open source, FT2232H-based, multi-protocol, multi-voltage tool for exploring low-speed hardware interfaces.
I²CMini is a simple, tiny USB-to-I²C bridge.
AIR-T is a fully integrated 300 MHz - 6 GHz single-board SDR platform with a top-notch FPGA and GPU for signal processing and deep learning.
AntSDR E200 supports openwifi.
Wyldcard DevKit enables human interaction.
Epi 32U4 stacks themselves up.
Inkplate 5 rebrands and tours office.
HealthyPi 5 works with Edge Impulse.
ShaRPiKeebo talks development and testing.
Crowd Supply is your home for original, useful, respectful hardware. We’d love to hear what you are working on.
How are you using Crowd Supply gear? Send us a field report for a bit of fame and fortune.
We’re having a party. You should come.
Join Us June 23-25, 2023 for Teardown