Update 209 of 248
"And now, let the wild rumpus start!" — Max
Inkplate 5 is a low-power, ESP32-powered, Arduino- and MicroPython-compatible open e-paper display with Wi-Fi support and 5.2" screen.
Wyldcards are small plastic cards with e-paper screens that can implement complex, computer-driven game mechanics.
Learn More About Wyldcard DevKit
Epi 32U4 is an extremely compact, Arduino-compatible ATmega32U4 USB Type-C dev board.
Introducing the Nordic Community Hub! Check out Nordic-powered Crowd Supply projects and Nordic’s latest design challenge.
Learn More About the Nordic Community Hub
EEZ Bench Box 3 (BB3) is a modular, open source chassis for building the benchtop power supply of your dreams.
Watchy is a fully open source E-Ink, ESP32 (wireless) watch that plays nice with Arduino, MicroPython, ESP-IDF, and Zephyr-RTOS.
Roll your way to 196 bits of security with DiceKeys.
AntSDR E200 talks compatibility and synchronization.
Epi 32U4 shows their open source roots.
HealthyPi 5 focuses on security.
SlimeVR has updates on the assembly line.
Crowd Supply is your home for original, useful, respectful hardware. We’d love to hear what you are working on.
How are you using Crowd Supply gear? Send us a field report for a bit of fame and fortune.
We’re having a party. You should come.
Join Us June 23-25, 2023 for Teardown