May 04, 2023

Update 206 of 243

The Latest and Greatest from Crowd Supply

"Let us choose for ourselves our path in life, and let us try to strew that path with flowers." — Émilie du Châtelet

New: HealthyPi 5

HealthyPi 5 is an open source biosignal acquisition platform capable of capturing ECG, PPG, SpO₂, GSR, EEG, EMG, respiration, temperature, etc.

Learn More About HealthyPi 5

Coming Soon: Inkplate 5

Inkplate 5 is a low-power, ESP32-powered, Arduino/MicroPython-compatible open e-paper display with Wi-Fi support and 5.2" screen.

Learn More About Inkplate 5

Coming Soon: XCVR

XCVR is an open reference design and dev board for the SX126x LoRa® chipset.

Learn More About XCVR

Coming Soon: Martinica

Martinica puts a Bosch environmental sensor with built-in AI into the Arduino MKR form factor.

Learn More About Martinica

In Stock: KrakenSDR

KrakenSDR is a phase-coherent software defined radio with five RTL-SDRs.

Order Your KrakenSDR

In Stock: PhyWhisperer-USB

PhyWhisperer-USB is an open source, hardware-based USB 2.0 monitor and trigger platform that’s controlled via Python.

Order Your PhyWhisperer-USB

In Stock: ANAVI Macro Pad 8

ANAVI Macro Pad 8 is an open source, blinky, programmable, mini, eight-key keyboard.

Order Your ANAVI Macro Pad 8

Update Roundup

MNT Pocket Reform does fun and builds open community.

Aeroh Link comes in black and white and has tutorials.

KrakenSDR has a web-mapper.

Sensor Watch has a new rev.

Cynthion talks high-performance protocol analysis and design updates.

Loud ESP has a vintage demo.

Eduponics Mini v2.0 has a new pump.

ESP 360 Remote improves temp reading and upgrades RF modules.

unsurv offline has new docs.

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Calling Everyone

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Join Us June 23-25, 2023 for Teardown

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