Sep 30, 2022

Update 188 of 251

The Latest and Greatest from Crowd Supply

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." — Donald Knuth

New: ANAVI Macro Pad 10 & Knobs

Get your macros on with ANAVI Macro Pad 10 & Knobs - small, open, programmable input devices with rotary encoders.

Learn More About ANAVI Macro Pad 10 & Knobs

New: OpenNCC NCB

OpenNCC NCB is a Myriad X VPU edge-AI platform - an open source replacement for Intel’s Neural Compute Stick 2.

Learn More About OpenNCC NCB

Livestream: Hardware Hacking & FPGAs with Colin O’Flynn

Join us Friday, September 30 at noon Pacific time for a livestream with Colin O’Flynn, renowned embedded security expert and creator of ChipWhisperer-Husky. We will discuss glitching, teardowns, and FPGAs, and we will give away two copies of Colin’s new book, The Hardware Hacking Handbook.

Watch the Livestream

Update Roundup

ChipWhisperer-Husky now features segmented capturing.

DAQiFi Nyquist 1 is helping look for aliens.

WiCAN does car battery alerts.

Sensor Watch ships soon.

AquaPing is in production.

PÚCA DSP Eurorack modules have a new panel design.

Newt now shows more weather.

In Stock: Fomu

Fomu is an iCE40 FPGA board that fits inside your USB port, runs Python on top of a RISC-V softcore, and has a fully open toolchain.

Order Your Fomu

In Stock: CircuitBrains Deluxe

CircuitBrains Deluxe is a 1" x 1" ARM Cortex-M4 module with castellated edges, through holes, and the power of CircuitPython.

Order Your CircuitBrains Deluxe

In Stock: BreadShield

BreadShield is an Arduino shield that maps the Arduino’s pins to a breadboard, without jumper wires.

Order Your BreadShield

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