Update 185 of 249
"One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions." — Grace Hopper
Maverick-603 is an affordable, open silicon FT8 RF receiver board that covers the 7 - 70 MHz range.
Join us Saturday, September 10, 2022 at noon Pacific time as we broadcast live from Open Hack Day with special guest xobs (Sean Cross). Follow it up on Sunday with a Hardware Happy Hour.
DAQiFi Nyquist 1 demos baseball-pitching perfection.
A wall was built for AquaPing.
WiCAN announces new features and integrates with Home Assistant.
Eduponics Mini shows off automated irrigation.
Tomu is an open source ARM board with two buttons and two LEDs that fits inside your USB connector.
SmartLED Shield can drive high-quality LED panels with a Teensy 4,
HiFive1 Rev B is an open source, RISC-V dev board with wireless connectivity in an Arduino-compatible form factor.
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