Update 182 of 249
"How very little can be done under the spirit of fear." — Florence Nightingale
A small, open source e-paper display that is updated and powered wirelessly via NFC.
Powered by BlackMagic, Farpatch is an open, wireless debugger for a wide range of microcontrollers.
How the BeanCounter got cooked up.
Watchy is a fully open source E-Ink, ESP32 (wireless) watch that plays nice with Arduino, MicroPython, ESP-IDF, and Zephyr-RTOS.
GetWired makes wired home automation easy and open. It has RS485 communication, Arduino IDE compatibility, and lots of expansion boards.
UsbSafe² protects USB-connected hardware from excessive voltage, excessive current, and unauthorized data access.
Crowd Supply is your home for original, useful, respectful hardware. We’d love to hear what you are working on.
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