Jul 29, 2021

Update 141 of 243

The Latest and Greatest from Crowd Supply

"This search for what you want is like tracking something that doesn’t want to be tracked." — Fred Astaire

Coming Soon: unsurv offline

Track without being tracked using unsurv offline, an open source GNSS receiver.

Learn More About unsurv offline

Coming Soon: IoThing Digital

IoThing Digital has two high-power relays and two digital inputs up to 300 V.

Learn More About IoThing Digital

Ending Soon: FreeEEG32

FreeEEG32 boasts 24-bit sampling of up to 256 EEG channels.

Learn More About FreeEEG32

Project Updates: LUNA

Check out LUNA’s Q&A session on hardware connectivity and enclosure progress.

Learn More About LUNA

In Stock: Ant2 LiPo Charger

Ant2 is a tiny USB Type-C LiPo charger with LED indicators and mounting holes.

Order Your Ant2

In Stock: microByte

microByte is a tiny, open hardware, ESP32-powered retro gaming console.

Order Your microByte

In Stock: Infinite Noise TRNG

Infinite Noise TRNG is a secure, open hardware true random number generator.

Order Your Infinite Noise TRNG

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