Update 118 of 249
"If you’re gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?" — Dr. Emmett Brown
Glasgow can communicate with just about any hardware. It uses reconfigurable logic (an FPGA) to adapt on the fly without compromising performance. This completely open tool is perfect for interfacing with unusual or obsolete hardware.
microByte is a tiny, open hardware, ESP32-powered retro gaming console that will run games from the NES, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, Game Gear, and Sega Master System platforms. And it’s Arduino IDE-compatible.
Eduponics Mini is an ESP32-based IoT kit for smart agriculture. With its flexible app and suite of sensors, you’ll be upping your plant watering game in no time.
Learn More About Eduponics Mini
HiFive1 Rev B is an open source, RISC-V dev board with wireless connectivity in an Arduino-compatible form factor. It features the second generation of SiFive’s 32-bit FE310-G002 SoC that operates at a blazing 320+ MHz.
The perfect companion to a 9-volt battery, snapVCC gives you 3.3 V and 5 V on your breadboard or wherever you need it.
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