Aug 29, 2020

Update 104 of 243

The Latest and Greatest from Crowd Supply

"I have, before now, waited for a pen to perform a macro." — Terry Pratchett

New: ANAVI Macro Pad 8

ANAVI Macro Pad 8 is an open source, custom programmable, mini 8-key keyboard/keypad. It’s powered by the excellent Quantum Mechanical Keyboard (QMK) firmware and sports backlighting, underlighting, and an OLED screen.

Learn More About ANAVI Macro Pad 8

Coming Soon: LoMesh

Operating over the 915 MHz, license-free Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) bands, LoMesh leverages the spread-spectrum modulation of LoRa® to achieve reliable, long-range communication over a multi-hop mesh network.

Learn More About LoMesh

Coming Soon: STEP400

STEP400 is a motor driver board designed for creative-coding applications. It has a Microchip Arm Cortex-M0, Ethernet, and four stepper drivers, and plays nice with creative software suites such as openFrameworks, Processing, Max, Unity, etc.

Learn More About STEP400

Coming Soon: uChip Simple VGA Console (uSVC)

uSVC is a simple, open source, do-it-yourself game console that allows you to create and play 8-bit, retro-style games. It comes as a kit, and all you need to assemble it are basic, through-hole soldering skills.

Learn More About uSVC

AMA: DiceKeys

The creator of DiceKeys will hold an Ask Me Anything (AMA) on the Crowd Supply Discord server next week. Come ask your own questions! Fifty participants will be chosen as beta testers and receive a free early-access unit.

Learn More About the DiceKeys AMA

In Stock: IQ Motor Modules

The IQ Motor Module is an integrated motor and controller with an embedded position sensor. Using position-sensing and advanced calibration and control algorithms, IQ optimizes motor performance and give users unprecedented control.

Order Your IQ Motor Module

In Stock: Fomu

Fomu is an iCE40 FPGA board that fits inside your USB port. Fomu runs Python on top of a RISC-V softcore and has a fully open source toolchain. Fomu is the easiest way to get started with FPGA or RISC-V development.

Order Your Fomu

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