Update 4 of 248
"Progress over protocol." ― Buckaroo Banzai
Start monitoring your home’s energy use without giving up your privacy. This energy monitor development kit is an open, affordable, and accurate energy metering solution using Microchip’s ATM90E26. Available as an Adafruit FeatherWing, DIN rail module, breakout kit, and more. Libraries compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, mbed, and Particle.
Learn More About the ATM90E26 Energy Monitor Kits
Need a robot? Husarion CORE2 to the rescue! Over 75% funded with two days to go. Check out the latest update featuring a LIDAR-based wheeled robot.
See Recent Husarion CORE2 Updates
Lime Micro is about to kick off the production run that will finally fill all outstanding orders and put LimeSDR in stock. Units will begin landing at the Crowd Supply warehouse sometime in September. Place your pre-order now before in-stock pricing kicks in.
For all your terminal needs, diy-VT100 is a modern, open source, hardware terminal with all the bells and whistles. If you need more than 80 characters per line, something has gone very wrong.
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Idiotware Shield and modules now in stock at available to ship immediately. For novices and experts alike, the Idiotware Shield is the Swiss Army Knife of Arduino shields, with plenty of integrated inputs and outputs and options for connectivity and expansion.
Order Your Idiotware Shield Today
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