Open source, ESP32-C3 CAN adapter with USB, Wi-Fi, and BLE support

Oct 04, 2022

Project update 6 of 10

Campaign Ending Soon

by Ali Slim

The campaign is ending soon and I’d like to thank everyone again for backing this project! I’m happy to report I’ve received wican-obd and wican-usb PCBs and should be ready to ship within three to four weeks, hopefully sooner. So we are still on schedule for delivery to Crowd Supply in November. I’ll post more about our progress in a forthcoming update.

By the time you receive your order, there will be a new firmware version released with new features. Updating the firmware over-the-air is very simple. All you have to do is load the new firmware file in the configuration webpage.

For the next update, I’m working on updating and improving the documentation and a Getting Started guide.

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