Advanced OBD scanner for next-generation vehicle diagnostics and Home Assistant integration

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Sep 18, 2024

New Official Home Assistant Integration

We're excited to announce we are developing a new Home Assistant integration to make connecting WiCAN to Home Assistant as seamless as possible. Read the full update.

Sep 12, 2024

WiCAN PRO USB Peripherals: Unlocking Endless Possibilities

Learn how to expand WiCAN PRO's capabilities with USB peripherals. Read the full update.

Aug 30, 2024

Schematics and Design Features Highlight

check out our newly released schematics! Read the full update.

Aug 23, 2024

WiCAN Firmware Update: Improved Support for Home Assistant

Learn about the latest improvements to WiCAN Pro's firmware with improved Home Assistant support. Read the full update.

Aug 15, 2024

Our Campaign is Now Live!

Check out our advanced OBD scanning tool with seamless connectivity Read the full update.

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