
An embedded platform for combining Depth and AI, built around Myriad X

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Nov 25, 2019

Project update 4 of 27

Progress & Pre-Alpha Feedback

Over the past week the DepthAI team has been busy with a slew of efforts:

  1. Our first Python API is up/running on our Github page.
  2. We are continuing work on the on-chip combination of Depth+AI, and are very close to our first complete solution, where all tasks are offloaded from the RaspberryPi to the Myriad X.
  3. We are consolidating all the files, inventory, etc. to prepare for our first volume production of DepthAI.

We also are getting great feedback from our pre-Alpha community of testers:

"The face detection model is running perfectly with the camera module, it was really easy to get it working with the binaries you sent over. Thanks a million… I will keep you posted. I am a huge fan of the product!"

More to come soon, including demo uses of DepthAI Python API.

Brandon and the Luxonis team!

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