
An embedded platform for combining Depth and AI, built around Myriad X

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Jun 10, 2020

Project update 23 of 27

DepthAI Now Supports the Raspberry Pi HQ Camera

by Brandon G

More great news coming at you! We’ve accomplished so much so fast recently that it’s hard to keep up with the updates.

Over the weekend we wrote a driver for the IMX477 used in the Raspberry Pi HQ Camera.

So now you can use the awesome new Raspberry Pi HQ camera with DepthAI FFC (now available to pre-order​). Below are some images of it working right after we wrote the driver this weekend.

Notice that it even worked w/ an extra long FFC cable!

You can find more details on how to use DepthAI FFC on our website.

And remember DepthAI is open source, so you can even make your own adapter (or other DepthAI boards) from our Github.

Brandon & the Luxonis team

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