Flexible, next-generation, open source software-defined radio

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Jul 07, 2016

Project update 28 of 82

Highlights from the LimeSDR Beta Testing Community

Since successfully reaching our goal (we are still really happy about that so thank you!), we have continued to beaver away behind the scenes.

Members of the LimeSDR beta testing community have been working on improving the experience of using the LimeSDR, and we wanted to keep you in the loop with a couple of highlights.

Firstly, we haven’t really talked about the native Windows support for LimeSDR, but it is important to note that we do support Windows and even Apple OS X. It is really great to see Simon Brown has his SDR Console software happily working with the LimeSDR. Here is a screen shot of this displaying a 50MHz slice of spectrum with 2G / GSM signals.

It’s also really cool to have confirmation that you can use a LimeSDR together with Ubuntu that is running inside a virtual machine (VM). It seems that you can use a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu!

Check out Andrew’s blog post on Myriad RF for more on these developments.

We are also hoping to share some exciting manufacturing news with you soon, so that’s a heads up!


Jessica and the LimeSDR team

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