LimeNET Micro

A software-defined radio platform with integrated processor for creating self-contained wireless networks

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Nov 21, 2018

Project update 7 of 20

New Bandwidth Figures

When we announced the design update which enables using USB for the host ↔ SDR interface, we changed the comparison table RF Bandwidth and Sample Rate figures to TBC, since the interface would no longer be the limiting factor and it would come down to the Raspberry Pi host.

We’ve now completed testing and can confirm that the maximum RF bandwidth is 10 MHz when configured for receive-only and 5 MHz with full duplex transmit plus receive. However, this was without any additional processing (e.g. FFT) running on the host, and in practice the figure will vary depending on DSP and, indeed and other processing, that may take place on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module.

Andrew and the LimeNET Micro Team

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