LimeNET Micro

A software-defined radio platform with integrated processor for creating self-contained wireless networks

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Dec 05, 2018

Project update 9 of 20

Board Design Files Published

LimeNET Micro v2.0 clock circuits.

The Altium database, plus manufacturing files and schematics for the LimeNET Micro v2.0 design have now been published to the Myriad-RF GitHub. We expect to get the first assembled boards back from manufacture soon and will be sharing photos as soon as we receive those.

With the campaign about to draw to a close, now is the time to pledge if you would like to take advantage of campaign pricing, which offers a $30 saving on the price of the board, along with pledge levels which include this as part of the Acrylic and Aluminium Kits.

Andrew and the LimeNET Micro Team

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