uChip Simple VGA Console (uSVC)

Portable, DIY, open hardware retro-gaming console

Nov 16, 2020

Project update 5 of 22

AMA this Wednesday & Free Shipping through November 20th

by Antonio Rizzo

Hi there!

Just a quick post to announce our upcoming Ask Me Anything (AMA) session—on Wednesday, the 18th of November—and to let you know that free US shipping for uSVC will end on Friday the 20th.


We will be hosting an AMA session this Wednesday at 11 AM PST on Crowd Supply’s Discord channel. If you have questions, please join us, and we’ll be more than happy to answer them!

Shipping Changes

All uSVC purchases made before the 20th of November will enjoy free shipping within the United States! After November 20th, our prices will remain the same but domestic shipping will be added to the total price of the order. (This change is the result of upcoming improvements to Crowd Supply’s check-out system.)

So, if you want free US shipping on your uSVC order, make sure you get that pledge in before the 20th of November!

That’s all for now. We’ll be back soon with our next update.

next-hack & Itaca-Innovation

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