Husarion CORE2

A connected computer for robots

Nov 30, 2017

New Tutorial

We have prepared a „quick start” tutorial for all of you Telepresence robot owners. Read the full update.

Oct 09, 2017

Updated mechanics & shipping info

We’ve got important news for you. Read the full update.

Sep 27, 2017

Shipment Schedule

Here's the latest shipment schedule: Read the full update.

Sep 08, 2017

Assembly in Progress

A quick update on the production status. Read the full update.

Aug 24, 2017

Production Status and New Tutorial

It's time to let you know how the things are going. Our production window is booked, electronic components are already in place, and PCBA assembly will kick off soon. Read the full update.

Aug 09, 2017

CORE2 successfully funded!

Thanks for your support! CORE2 production starts in 3, 2, 1… Read the full update.

Aug 05, 2017

Last Day of the Crowdfunding Campaign

Dear robot lovers, there's only one more day of the crowdfunding campaign for the Husarion CORE2 robotic controller. Read the full update.

Aug 02, 2017

ROSbot Building Instructions & a New Look

We have some fresh news regarding ROSbot. Read the full update.

Aug 01, 2017

Security Aspects of Husarion Platform

At Husarion we address your robot's security in a few different areas: Read the full update.

Jul 29, 2017

We’ve Reached 50% and Created a Video to Thank You

Here's a thank you video from Husarion co-founder, Dominik. Read the full update.

Jul 27, 2017

Do I need Husarion Cloud to use CORE2?

One question we frequently hear is "do I need Husarion Cloud to use CORE2?”. The answer is simple: "no, don’t worry, we'll provide offline development tools as well." Read the full update.

Jul 17, 2017

New ROS Tutorials are Here

We released two more ROS tutorials! Read the full update.

Jul 11, 2017

ROSbot Baptism of Fire at ROS Workshops

On Friday, July 7th ROSbot was used for the first time during ROS workshops that our company organized together with one of the startup incubators. Read the full update.

Jul 07, 2017

Printable 3D Enclosures

Printable 3D models of CORE2 enclosures now available on GitHub. Read the full update.

Jul 04, 2017

We’ve Reached 25%! And We Have a Surprise for You :)

It has been a week since the start of our campaign and thanks to your support, we’ve managed to reach 25% of our goal already! You’re awesome! Because we want to make it even easier for you to enjoy creating robots, we have a treat for you - a new pledge level with an out of the box telepresence robot. Read the full update.

Jun 27, 2017

Husarion CORE2 is Now Live!

The Husarion CORE2 campaign is now live. Husarion CORE2 is a computer designed for fast prototyping of robotic projects. It interfaces directly with motors, servos, encoders, sensors etc. Read the full update.

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