Reactor for iPhone 5

An iPhone 5 case with a built-in crank generator for battery charging.

May 03, 2013

Project update 1 of 1

Thanks For Your Support!

Hello Crowd Suppliers,

First off, we would like to thank you for your generous support of the Gridcase Reactor. With pledges of over \$75,000 in just over a month, your enthusiasm has been hugely motivating for us - we really appreciate all of the confidence you’ve placed in this project. Unfortunately, with only a few hours left in the campaign, it appears likely that we won’t reach our funding goal. We knew from the beginning that the \$350,000 goal we set was ambitious, but we were determined to ask for what we felt was the minimum needed to pull off such a challenging project; asking for a lesser amount would have been disingenuous and carried too high a risk of disaster further down the line.

We plan to end the Reactor campaign early and continue working on the design.

Thanks again for all of the support

The Gridcase Team

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