
A tool to explore optical data transmissions and covert channels

Apr 18, 2018

Project update 6 of 7

Production Update and Manual

Hi everyone-

Just wanted to send out a quick OpticSpy production update!

The bare PCBs have been fabricated and e-Teknet is in the process of assembling and testing the modules. The order will ship to us by April 27.

I’ve also recently completed the OpticSpy manual, which explains setup, operation, and (optional) configuration.

OpticSpy should work out-of-the-bag for most visible and IR signals. If the default OpticSpy settings aren’t working with your particular target or you want to try to reduce ambient noise, increase receive distance, or change the frequency response/bandwidth, the manual provides details on how to make adjustments.

I’ll report back with another update as soon as I receive the production order! In the meantime, please visit your Crowd Supply account to verify that your shipping information is current and correct so your OpticSpy(s) go to the right place.


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