The first ever truly embedded SDR

Dec 12, 2017

Project update 18 of 35

Early Bird Octopacks Sold Out & Survey (Take Two)

TL;DR: a very positive response to the Octopack pledge level; we’ve corrected a mistake in the survey we sent out yesterday.

Early Bird Octopacks Sold Out

The discounted early bird Octopacks sold out, but you can still get Octopacks at the normal $2,900 price. Looking forward to see what people do with a 16 x 16 system.

Survey Take Two — Now with an Email Field

We’ve already received quite a few great responses to the survey we put out in our previous campaign update when we realized we forgot to ask people for their email addresses, so we have no way to contact you to discuss your proposal. Oops…

If you took the survey yesterday or the day before and don’t recall if you provided your email address, please take the survey again. Really, you just need to provide your email address and enough information so we can figure out which submission was your original submission — no need to fill out the entire survey in its entirety. Alternatively, you can send us a note through the campaign page to let us know which submission was yours. In any case, sorry for the hassle.

More Soon

We’re working on some interesting demos, so stay tuned for more updates soon.

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