Idiotware Shield

IoT for Arduino, simplified.

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Jan 02, 2019

Assistive Spoon for Patients with Parkinson's

We recently created a new project with the Idiotware Shield. Check it out! Read the full update.

Jul 17, 2017

Delivery Update

We're happy to announce that all pledges that were placed during the campaign have been fulfilled. Read the full update.

May 01, 2017

Manufacturing Update

Hi Idiotware Shield Backers- an update you have been waiting for! Our first batch of shields have been delivered from manufacturing! Read the full update.

Feb 06, 2017

Thank You!

We would like to thank all the supporters who made the Idiotware Shield Campaign a success. Read the full update.

Jan 18, 2017

Ping Pong Game (Intermediate)

Using two analog joysticks, create your own ping pong game on the Idiotware Shield. Read the full update.

Jan 18, 2017

IR Remote Control (Easy)

Capture Infrared Keycodes from IR remotes and map buttons to actions on the Idiotware Shield. Read the full update.

Jan 18, 2017

OTA Programming of the Arduino with the Idiotware Shield (Easy)

Learn how you can program the Arduino over Wifi with the Idiotware Shield. Read the full update.

Jan 18, 2017

Bitcoin Value Tracker (Intermediate)

With the price of bitcoin changing like the weather, it makes sense to be notified immediately of any changes. Read the full update.

Jan 18, 2017

Are you a Youtube Star? (Intermediate)

Get Realtime updates of subscribers of your Youtube Channel. Read the full update.

Jan 18, 2017

Twitter Sentiment Gadget

Analyse and display the sentiment in your tweets using a Raspberry Pi, a NodeRed instance and the Idiotware Shield. Read the full update.

Jan 10, 2017

Light Painting Stick (Advanced)

New Project: Building a Light Painting Stick with Idiotware Shield. Read the full update.

Jan 10, 2017

Bluetooth Enabled Token (Intermediate)

Prototype a Bluetooth Controlled Order Token that beeps and buzzes when a specific order is ready. Read the full update.

Jan 10, 2017

Automatic Plant Watering with Email Notifications and Logging (Advanced)

Automatically dispense water to your plants in the garden, and get emailed when water is dispensed. Read the full update.

Jan 10, 2017

Twitter Mood Lamp (Advanced)

New Project: Twitter (X) mood lamp! Read the full update.

Jan 06, 2017

Animation in I2C OLED Display

This project demonstrates the capability of the OLED and the Arduino to show animations. Read the full update.

Jan 06, 2017

Potentiometer Follower (Easy)

Translate the rotation angle of a potentiometer to the LED Ring on the Idiotware Shield. Read the full update.

Jan 04, 2017

Fastest Finger First (Intermediate)

Create a wireless Input Gadget which can be used in game shows and competitions that automatically captures who pressed a button first. Read the full update.

Jan 03, 2017

NTP Clock (Intermediate)

New Project: Make a DIY Clock which synchronizes time with NTP servers Read the full update.

Jan 03, 2017

Chat Application Using Mesh Radios (Intermediate)

Using the Mesh Radio on the Idiotware Shield, simple text messages can be received by broadcast and displayed on the OLED. Read the full update.

Jan 02, 2017

Weather Gadget (Advanced)

Get weather updates automatically for your city. Read the full update.

Jan 02, 2017

Smart IoT Postbox (Intermediate)

Get notified when there is new letter dropped in your postbox. Read the full update.

Dec 31, 2016

Pet Treat Dispenser

Feed your pet remotely, or on a schedule set in a Google Calendar. Read the full update.

Dec 29, 2016

Police Siren (Beginner)

An Arduino beginner project to make a police siren using the Idiotware Shield. Read the full update.

Dec 23, 2016

Light Theremin (Intermediate)

New Project: Light Theremin Read the full update.

Dec 23, 2016

PWM Using Potentiometer (Basic)

Learn to use the Potentiometer to change the width of the pulse of a fixed frequency square wave, and hence affect the brightness of the LED. Read the full update.

Dec 23, 2016

Where Am I? (Advanced)

Using the Idiotware shield and Web API's for IP GeoLocation, we can build Arduino projects that can use this information to determine where in the world they are. Read the full update.

Dec 23, 2016

LED Clock (Basic)

Here's a demonstration of how to display the current time with 12 LEDs on the Idiotware shield. Read the full update.

Dec 23, 2016

Weather Station (Intermediate)

Log and chart the temperature and light values of your surroundings over time using ThingsSpeak, an open source IoT platform. Read the full update.

Dec 13, 2016

Morse Code Learner (Intermediate)

New Project: Morse Code Trainer Read the full update.

Dec 13, 2016

Swarm Robots Using the Idiotware Shield (Advanced)

In this project, we are attaching two robotic vehicles to the Idiotware Shield, along with an ultrasonic sensor which detects obstacles. Read the full update.

Dec 13, 2016

LED Ring Patterns (Basic)

A blinking LED is the "Hello World" equivalent of the Arduino and embedded systems world. Read the full update.

Dec 13, 2016

Getting Started with Blynk (Intermediate)

Let's see how we can interface Idiotware Shield with the Blynk Platform. Read the full update.

Dec 13, 2016

microSD Card Data Logger (Basic)

The Idiotware Shield can be used in projects deployed in locations that do not have network connectivity. Read the full update.

Dec 13, 2016

IoT "On-Air" Sign (Advanced)

We devised a unique project that notifies anyone that you are not to be disturbed or are in a meeting. Read the full update.

Dec 13, 2016

Smart RGB LED Control Using TouchPad (Intermediate)

In this project, we will use Idiotware Shield's touch control along with the RGB LED to show colorful patterns. Read the full update.

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