Environmental Monitoring for the Internet of Things

May 06, 2021

Our MQTT Broker Just Got Its Own Web Client!

The MQTTHQ public MQTT broker has always been an important part of the EMIT IoT project, so we thought you’d like to know that we’ve just added an easy-to-use MQTT web client. Now, when you connect your EMIT (or any other IoT device) to this broker, you can instantly subscribe and publish to your device's topics without having to write or download any code! More details below. Read the full update.

Nov 17, 2020

They're on Their Way!

We are delighted to announce that we shipped our first production batch to Crowd Supply last Friday, and they are all packaged up and ready for final distribution to our backers. Thank you all for your support. We literally could not have done this without you! This update includes a reminder to update your shipping address (if necessary), links to our Firmware Development Guides for Arduino and MicroPython, and an introduction to the EMIT Support Forum. Read the full update.

Nov 04, 2020

They're Here!

We are delighted to let you know that the first batch of production EMIT boards has arrived. Even better news: they've just passed test and inspection, so we'll be packing them, labeling them, and shipping them to Crowd Supply for final distribution over the next week or so. Read the full update.

Oct 29, 2020

PCB Assembly Complete

The fully assembled EMIT boards were shipped out to us today. They should arrive early next week, and we are standing by to inspect, test, and pack them before sending them along to Crowd Supply's warehouse. In the meantime, we invite you to check out the EMIT Developer Wiki that we published yesterday! Read the full update.

Oct 02, 2020

Production Status

We've completed the manufacture of all EMIT PCBs and checked all components in preparation for assembly, which is set to begin next week, immediately after the Chinese mid-Autumn holidays. Read the full update.

Sep 14, 2020

Components Are In & Voltage Is Down

All components have been ordered and delivered to our office here in North Wales. They are now being checked and re-packed and will soon be on their way to our contract manufacturer in China. One week in, we're still on schedule to hit our delivery estimate! This update also describes recent design improvements that allow EMIT to operate on a little as six volts. Read the full update.

Sep 02, 2020

We've Reached Our Funding Goal!

We are delighted to announce that EMIT has just reached its funding goal! We'd like to say a huge thank you everyone who has supported the project! This update introduces our document server, which includes the Getting Started guide we previewed last week. Read the full update.

Aug 28, 2020

Adding Full Arduino Support!

One week left! After several questions and much discussion, we are delighted to announce that we will now be publishing our step-by-step tutorials in both MicroPython and C/C++ (using Arduino IDE). We want to make it as easy as possible for you to develop EMIT code in your preferred programming language and IDE. This update also includes a list of tutorials that we plan to release by the time we EMIT ships to backers. Read the full update.

Aug 25, 2020

Getting Started

In this first 'Getting Started' tutorial, we'll start by exploring EMIT's features and discussing how you can access them with Micropython running on your ESP32. Read the full update.

Aug 20, 2020

Components Began Arriving Today!

We are excited to announce that, as of today, we have received our first shipment of components! Read the full update.

Aug 14, 2020

Ask Me Anything!

We're doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session for EMIT next Wednesday, 19th August, at 1 PM Pacific. I'd be delighted if you could join us! This session will take place on Crowd Supply's Discord channel. To learn more or to join the session, you can use the following invite: https://discord.gg/FGpgN2N. Read the full update.

Aug 13, 2020

Being Reminded That IoT Is About More Than Just Hardware

It's easy to think of EMIT as a 'hardware project.' Even for us. But the past week has been full of stark reminders that there's a lot more to IoT that just the hardware! The good news is that, after a fairly stressful week, we have improved EMIT's firmware significantly and released an open source MQTT monitoring tool that you might find helpful when implementing your own projects. Read the full update.

Aug 05, 2020

LIVE Dashboard Released

Announcing the release of the EMIT 'LIVE' Dashboard, a full-featured, realtime environmental-monitoring dashboard for EMIT. We've done the coding work and integrated the dashboard with MQTTHQ.com (our free public MQTT broker) so that anyone using or developing with EMIT can immediately test their work without having to write any test or application code. If you'd like to have a look, there is now an EMIT in our office, and it's streaming temperature, humidity, and relay-status data every five seconds or so. Read the full update.

Aug 03, 2020

Our Public MQTT Broker Is Up and Ruinning

Wow, what a week. With your help, we made it to 25% of our funding goal in just a few days. Thank you for your support! We have some other exciting news, as well. One of the objectives of this project is to provide a highly reliable, public MQTT broker that is available for anyone to use for FREE! And, after several weeks of testing, we are delighted to announce the formal release of MQTTHQ.com – a load-balanced, multi-node, MQTT broker cluster. Read the full update.

Jul 22, 2020

The Campaign is Live

After several months of work and a quick last-minute change to reduce the final cost by $5, we are delighted to announce that our EMIT campaign is now LIVE! Read the full update.

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