motionPro 6600 motion controller

A software agnostic four-axis motion controller with independently configurable integrated motor drivers

Jul 12, 2018

Project update 2 of 4

Just a few more days in the motionPro 6600 motion controller campaign

First things first - A huge thank you to the existing backers for making this campaign a success. You are the reason I do this everyday. Next, a few updates:

  1. The first set of boards are already here (except the PCBs for the laser drivers which are expected in the next 10 days or so). The procurement of components is almost done for a batch of at least 15 controllers. This means that you would receive your controllers sooner than expected.
  2. The manufacturing will be done in house and this would save time and not lead to unexpected delays.
  3. The new website despite the delays is coming along. You should expect to see a forum where you can discuss issues and also be able to reach out to me directly in case of problems.
  4. The documentation is almost complete and is available here. On the TODO list is an FAQ section and information about how to use the laser driver and the jogger. These should be completed within the next 3-4 days.

As always if you have any pre-campaign questions or comments please feel free to reach out to me on

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