Boondock Echo

Internet-backed recording and playback device for two-way radios

May 08, 2024

Project update 9 of 14

New Features and Recent Developments

by Mark J. Hughes

Hello Amazing Supporters,

We’re excited to share the latest developments we’ve been working on at Boondock Technologies!

New Features

  1. Automatic Callsign Detection: We’ve added the ability to automatically detect amateur radio callsigns and look them up in the amateur radio database. This feature lays the groundwork for future functionalities like spotting reports and auto-logging.

  2. Morse Code Generation Detection: We’re now able to detect and decipher Morse code, which will be a huge help for hams with limited or lost hearing. We’re committed to making the Boondock Echo accessible to all!

  3. Offline Mode Improvements: Offline mode just got better! Now you can browse messages by date/time and more, and you don’t need a subscription to do it. It’s built into the box!

  1. Preparing to Scale: The software development team is hard at work preparing the scalable infrastructure needed to give all users the best performance possible. We're installing servers in geographically distinct locations across the United States. That means you'll get transcriptions and other functions even faster than we initially anticipated.

Supply Chain Update

Last month, we received "First article" K1 cable samples from one of our suppliers. After swift testing and approval, we gave the green light for the full production run.

Unfortunately, while the samples were great, the rest of the batch was incorrectly manufactured. We’ve worked with the manufacturer to resolve the issue and they’re currently remaking the cables for us at their expense. These cables connect the Boondock Echo to radios that accept the very common Kenwood K1 connector.

Astute observers will notice we used the DigiRig standard pinout — which means you should be able to use DigiRig cables for other radios with the BoondockEcho! Hook up your HF rig and let us know how it goes!

Design Improvements

With the extra time due to the cable setback, we’ve enlisted the help of a graphic designer to craft an updated top-side label. Depending on their creative design, your Boondock Echo might soon have an even cooler look!

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support as we work towards creating the best product possible.

Join The Community!

Warm Regards,
Jesse, KC, Mark
Boondock Technologies, LLC

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