ANAVI Light Controller

Make your lights open source and connect your LED strip to the WiFi network with ANAVI Light Controller!

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Sep 25, 2018

Project update 14 of 22

ANAVI Light Controller Now Supports PlatformIO

Thanks to the new valuable contributions of Andrey Kozhevnikov the open source code for ANAVI Light Controller is now also compatible with PlatformIO. This is an open source ecosystem for IoT development with cross-platform IDE built on top of GitHub’s Atom and unified debugger.

The source code for ANAVI Light Controller has been written as an Arduino sketch and it is available at GitHub. Now you have the freedom to choose between Arduino IDE and PlatformIO. The development is straight-forward on both. I personally rely primary on Arduino IDE for this project and I have already published a tutorial for flashing firmware on ANAVI Light Controller with Arduino IDE.


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