ANAVI Play pHAT is a super simple, low cost open source hardware add-on board for Raspberry Pi with buttons for retro gaming and slots for up to 3 I2C sensor modules.

Jan 30, 2019

Project update 6 of 7

See You at FOSDEM

FOSDEM 2019, the largest annual open source European conference is taking place in Brussels, this weekend. If you are planning to visit the event please consider joining my talk "Making Open Source Hardware for Retrogaming on Raspberry Pi" at Retrocomputing dev room. I will share my experience in designing Play pHAT and I will focus on explaining how the keys on it work using the device tree fragment saved in the EEPROM.

In the mean time the crowdfunding campaign of a new open source hardware development board started recently - ANAVI Thermometer. It is an ESP8266-powered, Wi-Fi dev board with temperature and humidity sensors.


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