An open hardware Raspberry Pi add-on board with a mini OLED display, buttons, and slots for sensors

Jun 22, 2022

Project update 2 of 8

Happy Funding Update

by ANAVI Technology

Yes, we did it again! Thanks to your support, ANAVI Info uHAT has been successfully funded and has hit its first stretch goal! So we’ll be adding some awesome KiCad and ANAVI Technology stickers. KiCad is the free and open source software we used to design this and other Anavi printed circuit boards.

Anavi Info uHAT

As a small open source project, ANAVI Info uHAT relies on you, the community! We are near our second stretch goal of $1,000. If we hit it, we will make more video tutorials for all supported sensors.

Anavi Info uHAT

There is still more than a month until the end of the crowdfunding campaign and we hope more people will jump in and order ANAVI Info uHAT!

Thanks, Leon

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