Four-channel, all-frequency, GNSS RF-to-bits receiver

Oct 12, 2016

Project update 5 of 11

Tracking Application for Canoe Polo

Recently, an engineer named Philipp Gühring contacted us to discuss his project: a position logging system for the sport of canoe polo. In brief, his system needs to capture the position and orientation of each canoe on as many as five game fields. It needs to run for up to ten hours with an accuracy within 20 cm. The game is very dynamic, so position and orientation need to be captured several times per second.

We offered to make a raw signal sampling logger like CellGuide or CLEO, but working in RTK mode. We also offered to evaluate the system with our NUT4NT capture board and RA1 RTK-grade antenna.

Philipp hopes that someone already has created a solution or that he will find people who can work on developing it with him. So, if you are navigation system developer or you’d like to learn more about such a novel system, please jump in to the discussion on the Amungo forum.

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