Four-channel, all-frequency, GNSS RF-to-bits receiver for precision, satellite-based positioning

Oct 04, 2019

Design Files Published and Shipping Status

We have published the hardware sources for NUT2NT+ and have an update on shipping. Read the full update.

Aug 29, 2019

Early NUT2NT+ Boards Are Ready to Fly

A batch of early-bird boards were assembled and tested on satellites signals. Read the full update.

Jun 03, 2019

We Reached Our Goal. Thanks Everyone!

We are happy that 36 people from 15 countries want to have hardware we're making! Read the full update.

May 31, 2019

The NUT2NT+ FPGA Slave FIFO Makes the Signal Capturing Stable

There are updates to the code of the Lattice FPGA and FX3 USB microcontroller. Read the full update.

May 29, 2019

NUT2NT+ and RA125 enclosures

Today we have one good shielding milled aluminium NUT2NT+ enclosure to check how it fits the board. Read the full update.

May 28, 2019

The NUT2NT+ on High-End Autonomous Driving Platform

Today we are playing with NUT2NT+ and NVIDIA Drive PX 2. Read the full update.

May 23, 2019

The RA1 Antenna Lab Testing

In an earlier update we showed you the test results in the field, today we will talk about how it happens in the laboratory. Read the full update.

May 21, 2019

The NUT2NT+ Assembly Process

See a brief video of the assembly of NUT2NT+. Read the full update.

May 16, 2019

The Multi-Band GNSS "Black box" Application Evaluation with ROCK64 SBC

Today we have about one hundred of RA1 resonators out of the manufacturing. Look at photo below. Read the full update.

May 06, 2019

RA1 Antenna Field Test

An RA1 antenna field test and comparison. Read the full update.

Apr 19, 2019

Block Diagram Description

Description of the block diagram of the module NUT2NT+ Read the full update.

Apr 11, 2019

NUT2NT+ GNU-Radio Connection ready

First of all, many thanks to the people who have already pledged! Currently, we have more than half of our goal. Read the full update.

Apr 10, 2019 loves Amungo!

First of all, many thanks to people who have already pledged! Now we have reached about half of our goal. We just received the prototypes of panels for a low cost enclosure. The parts are not yet covered so it looks raw, but we need to check how it will fit with the EXT-9162 enclosure. Read the full update.

Sep 18, 2017

Counting Down to Launch

We still plan to start in September. We are vetting local Estonian partners for hardware, especially metal parts manufacturing and coating. Read the full update.

Aug 14, 2017

Campaign Status Update

An update on the current status of the NUT4NT project. Read the full update.

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