
A USB kill cord for your laptop

Jan 11, 2022

Project update 5 of 29

BusKill and TAILS

by Michael Altfield

We just published a guide on how to use BusKill in TAILS.

Our team is committed to empowering our users with the most secure anti-physical-theft possible. We take this very seriously.

But if you’re in a high-risk situation with very powerful adversaries (for example, a journalist or human rights defender working in an oppressive regime), then you need to carefully select all of your tools. Sometimes, this means sacrificing ease-of-use for security. It means using Tor. It means using an amnesic operating system. And for most people, it means using TAILS.

TAILS is widely recognized as the most secure (yet accessible) operating system available today and it’s what we recommend for BusKill users who are especially at-risk.

BusKill’s magnetic breakaway works fantastically with the built-in TAILS Emergency Shutdown. For more information, see our guide on A Quicker Emergency Shutdown for TAILS:

Lastly, we still have a few Early-Bird discounts available. Get your BusKill cable for $10 off while they last!

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