Aeroh Link

A hackable IR remote control with an OpenAPI and support for app and voice control

Apr 28, 2023

Project update 4 of 6

A New Video & Two New Members of the Aeroh Link Team!

by Shiv Deepak Muddada

Hi Friends,

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not you should back the Aeroh Link campaign, this video might help. And, even if it doesn’t, we think you’ll enjoy watching it. :)

Please consider liking the video and sharing it with those in your life who might benefit from Aeroh Link. Once again, we would like to thank all of our backers for supporting Aeroh Link. Knowing that folks are interested in using our products means a lot to us, and we aspire to provide the best possible experience.

Software-Engineering Internships

As many of you have already experienced, software plays a vital role in smart-home devices. Without mobile apps and integrations, the capability of smart home devices is limited. So, with the goal of building the best software experience for our customers, we have some very exciting news: we hired two software-engineering interns, Ayush and Tanishq, from a unique engineering program by Kalvium, where your coursework requires you to build working software.

Ayush (left) has been coding since high school and is proficient in the MERN stack. Tanishq (right) is proficient in the MERN stack and is also a product designer.

We are super thrilled to have them join our team and can’t wait to show off the features they build in the coming months!

Shiv Deepak Muddada
Creator, Aeroh Link

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