USB Insight Hub

A USB interfacing tool for developers & tech enthusiasts

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Oct 30, 2024

Project update 1 of 7

Our Campaign Is Now Live!

by David S

This amazing tool allows you to interact with USB devices in new and exciting ways. It starts with the convenience of a USB 3.0 hub and adds power metering and control, comprehensive electrical protection, and a novel, port-level device-enumeration technique.

In our many years of hardware development, we’ve encountered a handful of incredibly powerful tools—both hardware and software—that have expanded the realm of what is possible while making our lives easier at the same time. That’s what we’re aiming for with USB Insight Hub.

Whatsmore, we believe tools like this should be hackable and easy to adapt, so we’ve committed to releasing this product as open hardware and to publishing our Arduino sourcecode.

So come have a look at our campaign page and get help us put USB Insight Hub on your workbench!

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