
An open source hardware accessory that supports log capture, simplifies CLI interaction, and facilitates firmware updates for USB Type-C devices

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Feb 14, 2023

Project update 1 of 5

Our Campaign Is Now Live!

by Dmitrii Votintcev

Enjoy A Big Bowl of USB Cereal!

Crowdfunding has begun for USB Cereal! We are grateful to all of you for your interest, and we appreciate your patience while USB Cereal was cooking. Given recent shortages and the end-of-life of our original UART-to-USB converter ICs (FT232RQ), we decided to qualify two different components for our production run: the FTDI FT232RNQ (for which supply is also spotty), and the Silicon Labs CP2102N. Neither chip would represent a compromises on performance or compatibility.

After adding some final touches to our product design—including enhanced ESD protection, clean labeling, and a delicious enclosure—we are confident that USB Cereal is ready to help developers make the most of USB Type-C! We’ve also prepared an exciting series of updates that we look forward to sharing throughout the campaign. So stay tuned for example applications, production details, test results, and robust USB Type-C design tips! {usb-cereal-logo-small-bottom-corner-dots | small}

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